Wednesday 6 January 2016

Do You Know Skin Cancer

Skin is very important part of our body. It act as a covering for our body, protecting it from heat, dirt and dust. It is very essential to take the best care of our skin. The most unfortunate disease of skin is cancer. The skin cancer is of three types, based on the site of origin; basal cell, squamous cell and melanoma cell skin cancer. Melanoma cell skin cancer is less common and always curable in early stages. Basal cell skin cancer is very common where cancer grows on surrounding tissue without a well defined manner. Squamous skin cancer is much like basal but spread is less as compared.

Cause of skin cancer
The abnormal growth of skin cells leads to tumour formation. This uncontrolled growth may be due to sunlight because of which genes controlling cell generation are altered and control is lost. Other reasons are exposure to ionising radiation, genetics, certain moles and age factor. So one must get Mole Check in order to prevent skin cancer from spreading.


Sore skin that does not heal is the foremost symbol of skin cancer. Certain bumps and moles with bleeding or appearing of scales on body are common symptoms of skin cancer.


Visit a dermatologist. A skin biopsy is done to confirm the skin cancer. A portion of cancer cell is removed and studied under microscope to know the characteristics of cancer.

Skin cancer treatment depends on type of cancer, size of tumour and its location. In surgical procedure, the area around tumour is made numb and the tumour is removed. This leads to scars on skin which can be cured by skin grafting. The second method is radiation therapy. The area is treated with high radiation field in 10-15 sessions, leading to tumour removal. The surgical scars will not be there but radiation scars can be. Furthermore, radiation therapy do not guarantee the complete removal of tumour.

This is all to know about skin cancer. Visit Skin Clinic is if ever see doubtful moles on body. Prevention is better than cure, so take care of your skin. Step out after applying sunlight. A healthy skin is first step towards a healthy life.

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