Friday, 24 May 2019

The Skin Cancer Assessment and Treatment Center in Melbourne

The Skin Cancer Assessment and Treatment Center in Melbourne does full body skin checks for abnormal moles for men and women of all ages.  Abnormal moles can be mapped and photographs taken for assessment at a later date.   All people at some stage should have at least one thorough body skin check to check for abnormal moles and skin cancer. 

The question often arises, what are the typical skin cancer symptoms?
There are a number of signs that should arouse suspicion.  The first is a newly developed mole that looks irregular.  Other changes such as abnormal colour, irritation or bleeding are signs that should not be ignored.
Normal skin spots and moles can temporarily become irritated, sometimes through local rubbing, scratching or some minor infection.  These changes will often settle spontaneously within a few weeks.  If skin spot continues to cause concern, a medical practitioner should be consulted.

How can I identify if a cancerous mole?
Cancerous moles can take on various appearances.  They may look different from the surrounding moles. They may cause persistent irritation or bleeding or they may show irregular colours. 
Taking photographs of moles, or mole mapping, can be a useful diagnostic tool.  The most important part of this process can be to note and photograph moles that look somewhat suspicious so that they can be checked at a later time and perhaps photographed again on action taken.  

How are moles checked at the skin cancer clinics?
During a mole check, the total skin is examined.  This is done under a good light and various parts of the skin can be checked one after another. 
The Skin Cancer Assessment and Treatment Centre checks for all abnormal moles skin cancers and possible melanomas. 
Dr Alan Segal (dermatologist) is a skin specialist.  G.P. referrals are not necessary however a higher Medicare rebate will apply if a G.P. referral is obtained.
Mole checks and melanoma detection can be carried out in men, women and children.

The question often arises as to how often a skin cancer check should be performed?
This will depend on the age of the individual and their past history.   Individuals that have not had much sun exposure and do not have many moles need less frequent checks.  However in someone who burns easily and has had a great deal of sun exposure or a family or personal history of skin cancer, more frequent checks are necessary.
Initially a yearly check by those who are susceptible to sunburn or have many moles is recommended.   Your examining medical practitioner will be able to guide you further on this point.

What causes moles?
The normal colour of the skin is porcelain white.  The only reason that the skin tans is that there is a thin layer of colour cells beneath the skin that produce coloured pigment when exposed to sunlight.  This is why we tan all over fairly evenly when we go in the sun. 
Moles are actually collections of pigment cells and under normal circumstances they do not cause any problem.  Because more pigment cells are present within moles, these have more of a chance of producing abnormalities than the thin layer of cells all over the skin.  That is not to say that abnormal moles can not appear out of apparently normal skin. 

Individuals at higher risk are those that have fair skin, blue eyes, red hair and burn easily.
Individuals with large numbers of moles or very large moles are also at higher risk.
A large number of irregular looking moles can also suggest an increased predisposition for malignant change.
If someone in the family has a history of skin cancer or melanoma, there may also be an increased chance of these occurring in other members of the family.
It is suggested that if one is worried about any moles, one should consult a specialist mole check clinic such as the Skin Cancer Assessment and Treatment Centre in Melbourne. 
If a mole looks suspicious, further investigations could include taking a small piece of the mole or a biopsy or under some circumstances have the whole mole removed and have it examined by a pathologist. 
The Skin Cancer Assessment and Treatment Centre in Melbourne carries out all these procedures.
Most moles can be removed under local anaesthetic, however very large or dangerous moles may need a general anaesthetic which is done in hospital.

How dangerous are moles and skin cancers?
The most common form of mole is a sun spot or solar keratosis.  These occur in sun exposed areas.  They do have an increased risk of turning into skin cancer but this is rather small, being about 1 in 100 to 1 in 200.  These skin abnormalities can be treated with creams or by freezing with liquid nitrogen.

The most common form of skin cancer is the basal cell carcinoma, which accounts for about 90% of all skin cancers. These occur mainly in sun exposed areas and appear as red ulcerated or bleeding moles.  These skin cancers do not spread to other parts of the body and removal by excision or curettage if often the treatment of choice.  Once removed these are then checked by a pathologist.  Some skin cancers such as basal cell carcinomata can be treated with special creams.
In very difficult or complicated skin cancers, x-ray treatment may be used as back up.  A more dangerous form of skin cancer is the squamous cell carcinoma and represents about 8% of all skin cancers.  These need to be excised (cut out) and examined by a pathologist.  There is a chance that these can spread but this is less likely if they are removed early. 
A very dangerous form of skin cancer is the melanoma which is produced from skin pigment cells.  These have an increased tendency to spread even when they are fairly thin and rapid identification and removal is suggested and essential.  In melanomas that have spread over recent times, very successful immune therapies have been developed to treat them.
Many very early melanomas may be completely cured if removed early.
How can I prevent skin cancer?
Prevention of skin cancer occurs by avoiding direct sunlight as much possible.  Wearing appropriate clothing and hats often gives adequate protection, however a broad spectrum sunscreen is a useful adjunct in uncovered areas.  When sweating or bathing, a water resistant sun block is suggested, and re-applying of sun screen a number of times a day is suggested as the effect of the sun screen can wear off over time.
Many abnormal moles are obvious to an individual if they can be seen, however, ones back and the back of ones legs and scalp are very difficult for an individual to see themselves.  In these situations another person should intermittently look at these areas to see if any changes have occurred.   

Skin Clinic Melbourne

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing huge information about skin cancer. visit the site to know more!
