moles and melanomas get their origination within the skin due to melanocytes
i.e. melanoma producing cells. They are born in the inner layers of skin. For
more than a decade, scientists considered that single mutation is responsible
for abnormal melanocytes spread that in turn creates incidence of cancerous
melanomas and benign moles. Regular mole check can reduce the risk of
getting melanoma. You should have an immediate visit to mole check melbourne
if you are getting the symptoms associated the ABCDE model. Mutation related
with cell growth gene is called as BRAF. BRAF is always ‘on-state’ that
promotes cell division regularly. When the cluster of melanoma producing cells
reaches few millimeters say the size of a pencil eraser, cell proliferation stops
moles stop growing, despite all that BRAF activity, has been a long-standing
question in the field" a researcher questioned while the conducting a
study over the key genetic factors which makes mole turn into melanoma. More
studies were carried out by researchers to have a correct answer for this
question. They studied mole cells that were isolated from normal benign moles
directly. The same were then compared with the melanocytes isolated from the
normal skin. It was found that normal skin melanocytes had 140 times less p15
than the mole melanocytes.
the cells from melanoma patients those emerging out of previously benign moles,
the researchers got to know that p15 level is much higher in the mole tissues
and undetectable or very low in melanomas. It was concluded that p15 is really
important to hold benign state regular moles. Low level of p15 may
promote transition to Melanoma. Although, routine mole check can serve
as a savior.
activation of BRAF may drive mole growth causing mole cells to secrete a
molecule called TGF-β. This molecule then signals again to the mole cells and
makes p15. This serves to be the possible explanation behind why moles reach
few millimeters diameter before they grow. TGF-β needs to build up to an extent
and moles with lesser diameter do not lead to the production of TGF-β.
Significance of p15 was neglected over decades as most of researchers used to
consider that p16 is the main growth inhibitor. p15 and p16 work together as
tumor suppressors to keep enough brakes in the cell proliferation.
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