Monday, 25 March 2019

How Does One Pick a Suspicious Mole ?

The things about a mole that might alert to you that something suspicious is occurring are as follows
It has become sore or irritable or bleeds for no apparent reason.Usually this may only mean that the mole has been irritated by something external such as knock or rubbing or something that has been put on the skin.This type of irritation will usually go away within a few weeks. Sometimes if it is sore it may mean an infection is present and your doctor may need to examine the mole.Sometimes antibiotics may be needed
The type of irritation that may cause concern is if a mole recurrently or persistently stays irritable for more than two or three weeks.At this stage your doctor definitely needs to be consulted
Sometimes dangerous moles are not irritable,lumpy or bleed and they may be quite flat.
With this type of mole one has to rely on how it looks.Generally dangerous moles look odd even to the untrained eye.Many people will say they do not have the expertise to pick something that looks suspicious but this is not correct.
For example many people can pick someone acting suspiciously without having special training.This is the same situation with odd looking moles.Many people that develop melanomas at a site they can see believe there is something unusual about the spot.Do not ignore your own suspicions and seek a professional opinion.

Monday, 4 March 2019

How To Reduce Your Chances Of Skin Cancer?

Protection from the UV radiation is extremely important in order to reduce the chances of skin cancer. You need to be careful all through the year and not just during summers or any particular season. Here are some of the ways in which you can avoid the impact of UV radiation thereby mitigating the chances of skin cancer.
skin cancer
Avoid Exposure to UV Rays
It is recommend you to stay under the shade during the daytime, especially between 10am and 4pm. This will help you avoid excess exposure to the UV rays and reduce your chances of skin cancer.
Use a Sunscreen
If stepping out in the sun cannot be avoided, make sure that you cover your skin with a good quality sunscreen with a minimum protection rating of SPF (30) or more. If you have any special skin condition ask your skin doctor for the type of sunscreen best suited for you.
For the prolonged outdoor activity, it is best to use the sunscreen with SPF (50) or higher. Use a  water resistant cream so that it doesn’t get washed away by perspiration.
You may also consult your skin doctor about the application. Usually, the sunscreen should be applied about 30 minutes before stepping out. It should be reapplied every two hours in case of extended exposure.
skin cancer clinic
Cover your skin with clothing
It is best to cover your skin as much as possible with clothing. Wear full sleeve clothes to cover your arms and a hat to protect your head and face from exposure to the UV rays. It is also recommended that you wear the sunglasses with built in protection from both UVA and UVB.
Examine your skin every month
Examine your skin monthly. Look out for any sores or bumps that do not go away in less than a month. If you find something suspicious consult your skin doctor.